Education & Learning

Red Flags As Seen By The Employers In A Resume

The most humiliating time in a person’s career is when one is required to summarize the hard work and experience that has cumulated over the years since the high school on a piece of paper called a resume and cover letter. The worst part if this is when the hiring managers only use a few seconds to skim through these resumes and make a quick decision on whether to consider the application further or not. At this juncture, there are some red flags which are considered by the panel of recruiters before a further consideration is given. Remember, when you read a job vacancy advert anywhere in the media, there are other hundred of applicants who are looking forward for the same job opportunity. To be on the safe side, it best to learn some of the red flags raised by supply chain management recruiters.


The history of the past job titles is vital as it illustrates the quality and quantity of experience and offers an opportunity to discuss writing requirements. Thus, a person should give quality audience for the past experience. If there is no history given, it is essential to ensure that every part of the past experience related to the industry is given an opportunity. If you desire to make job changes, make sure you give upfront explanation and all the front reasons why that should be the case. 

Grammatical errors

This is where most peoplego wrong. A whole person with an industrial engineering degree cannot write a few sentences expressing his qualification, how is he expected to do major planning without making slight errors. Most employers assume that writing a resume is one of the documents that a person can write with lots of care. If there are mistakes such grammatical errors, it is highly likely that a person is full of mistakes even other documents. To counter this problem, a person should reread the resume for several times. Having seen no mistakes, it is best to consider giving your friend to read the resume and give an honest review. This is the only way a person can get rid of all grammatical mistakes in resume. 

Bad writing

Optimisation techniques require a person to be organized in al his works for quality results. How can a person who has poor writing skills be in a position to organize various tasks in a company? For those who opt to hand write their resumes, it is best if they have good hand writing. The ideas in the resume should also be organized in simple but a sophisticated way. A well organized Resume Enclosed is central as it guides the hiring managers on how to understand the thoughts of the applicant. 

Lack of professionalism

When writing a resume, it is best to include the necessary information that is relevant to the job vacancy being sort. For instance, what has eco-design got to do with spouse, children or the relatives? Lack of professionalism in the resume casts serious doubts of the level of education that is held by the applicant. The information provided should be related to the job opportunity being advertised.