Education & Learning

Recognizing Dyslexia And Treating It

Dyslexia is when the brain has problems with identifying graphics symbols which in turn leads to trouble in reading and learning. It is a neurological condition but it does not have any influence to the intelligent. Victims of severe dyslexia can be quite smart. Still, it will cause problems with the person’s life as it will have great impact on his/her reading and writing skills. In order to reduce dyslexia, an early diagnosis and treatments can help. Continue reading to identify the different symptoms from an early stage and the guidance that can be provided to help fight it.

Reaching milestones later
A child with dyslexia might take time to crawl, walk, talk, ride than other kids. These delays might be symptoms of dyslexia. SO it is better to see to it at the initial stage.

Difficulty in decoding
Another symptom of dyslexia is struggling to decode certain things and symbols. The person might it hard to tell left from right, difficulty in following certain directions, difficulty in decoding signs and logos, might find it hard to understand certain rules and regulations and more. In order to help in such situations, the adult who is supporting him/her need to teach these things slowly with patience. Trying to speed up the learning process does not help at all. Furthermore, certain tricks can be used to overcome these issues. Simplify the codes and teach him/her.

As mentioned earlier a dyslexic child will find difficulty in reading. He/she will struggle even in simple rhymes, pronunciation simple words, difficulty in sounding new words, lack of language fluency, stumbling words and sentenced and he/she will even reverse letters and numbers when read. For an example , they will tend to mix ‘pat’ with ‘tap’, ‘saw’ with ‘was’ and more. In such cases avoid making the child read infant of the class. Teach them slowly, word by word. Also, dyslexia friendly books can help a lot.

Due to the struggle and difficulties they are facing, people and children with dyslexia can get frustrated very quickly. This will effect their emotional stability. Also, if they find it too difficult or if they are forced to do a certain task, they will give up easily. In order to avoid this you can give them simple tasks and use simple and fun reading materials like decodable reading books.